Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 3 Overview

Day 3:  God's Word is Surprising!
"Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions." Psalm 119:18

Today we learn how Paul survived a bite by a poisonous snake!  Will everyone make it safely to shore?  What do we do about all these snakes?

Here we'll meet Wink, our Bible memory buddy for the day and get a preview of the day's activities.

For fun, we'll do Sprinkle, Sprinkle, Splash and have a SHARK ATTACK!  EEK!

When we get hungry, we'll learn just how tasty Surf-n-Snakes can be.  Yum.

Meanwhile, at Sail Away Cinema, we wonder -- will Captain Bleagh figure out the map to Anderon?

Finally, at the Floating Finale, we'll Guess the Surprise, which is a silly game with a surprise ending; see who is in the SPOTLIGHT today, and sing some of our favorite High Seas songs about the mighty love of God!

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